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Trampolinists from First Dimensions will have the option to join Dimensions Trampoline Club Classes after their first 12 week introductory block. Club classes are one hour long, with 5 trampolinists per trampoline, with one Coach.  Children will work on both routines and new moves. It is the intention that all club children who show commitment and enthusiasm will be able to progress through Development sessions in time.

N.B.  Spotting:  If a child is not tall enough to spot safely, they may need their parent/carer to spot for them.


When: Monday 4.20pm-5.20pm or Monday 6.00pm-7.00pm or Tuesday 4.10pm-5.10pm or Tuesday 5.00pm-6.00pm.


Where: Earls Colne Recreation Club


Cost: £8.25* for a one hour session plus 50p per week ECRC membership (unless you already have membership for the centre).  Fees are payable in advance for a 12 week block.

*Please note session fees are revised annually in April, the cost stated above is the 2024 session fee.


Coaching ratio: 1 coach to 5 trampolinists, sharing a trampoline.


Coaches: Each trampoline is run by Claire or Zoe assisted by our Trainee Coaches.


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