Dimensions Trampoline Club is run as a non-profit making company by a committee of Admin Team, Coaches and parents:
Clare Darch
Club Manager and Head Coach
Claire Carse
Secretary and Treasurer
Claire Scillitoe
Admin Officer
Zoë Hartnup
Events, Publicity and New Members
Becky Plant
Welfare Officers
Clare Darch/Jenna Wright
Health and Safety
Charis McKenzie and Spencer Dudman​
One of the main roles/expectations of Committee members is to assist and support the Club with fundraising activities.
As the Club runs 'not for profit', fundraising is vital for the Club to be able to run successfully. The events are also a great fun for members and an excellent opportunity for members and parents to socialise with each other. They are the perfect chance for parents to be able to see how their children are developing and that all of their hard work is paying off!
Events/fundraising opportunities run in a typical year are:-
In house Club Competition (our main event)
Christmas party
Raffles (a couple of times a year - Easter and Christmas)
Other competitions (for example- design your own leotard Comp & Dimensions bake off)
Club Summer Picnic
Purchase of Club merchandise