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ADULT CLASSES (16 years+) 


Trampolining provides the perfect opportunity to keep fit whilst learning something new. Trampolining is great for your health as it builds flexibility, strength and control, as well as providing the opportunity to learn new skills. Whether you'll be taking your first bounce or getting back into a childhood sport, our classes will cater for you. 


When: Mondays, 8.30pm - 9.30pm


Where: Earls Colne Recreational Club


Cost: £8.25* for a one hour session plus 50p per week ECRC

membership (unless you already hold an ECRC membership). 

Fees are payable in advance for a 12 week block.

*Please note session fees are revised annually in April, the cost stated above

is the 2024 session fee.


Coaching ratio: 1 coach to 5 trampolinists.


Coach: Spencer


Who: Anyone aged 16+, of any ability


Contact: Please e-mail Becky at



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